VB Code Formatter



Coding Standards

Visual Basic (VB) / VBScript Coding Style Standards

You can download the coding style guides, coding standard, code conventions, code guidelines, manuals and references for Visual Basic / VB and VBScript programming languages from here for free at your own risk. All trademarks, registered trademarks, product names and company names or logos mentioned herein are the property of their respective owners.

C/C++ Java C# Delphi/Pascal
PHP ASP Visual Basic/VBS Python
Perl JavaScript Assembly SQL

Visual Basic Coding Style Standards
Adobe PDF Format

Visual Basic Development Standards & Guidelines

FemmeTech Inc.

113 KB

Visual Basic Coding Style Standards
HTML Format

VB Coding Style - Object Naming Conventions


26 KB

Constant and Variable Naming Conventions


21 KB

VB Coding Style - Structured Coding Conventions


19 KB

VB Coding Standard - Hungarian Notation

Charles Simonyi

43 KB

VBScript Coding Conventions


27 KB

  Do not format VB / Visual Basic source code by hand,  Try SourceFormatX VB Source Code Formatter now!